Dr. Zana Turan
Chirurgie Plastique
Reconstructrice - Esthétique English Français

Dr. Zana Turan is a Certified Specialist in Plastic Surgery,
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery - in France.
Registered by the Conseil National de l'Ordre des Médecins. N° d´inscription au Conseil de l'Ordre:  74522

Dr. Zana Turan is a Certified Specialist in Plastic Surgery in the United Kingdom.
Registered in the GMC Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery. GMC Reference Number: 7003794

Dr. Zana Turan is a Certified Specialist in Plastic Surgery in Sweden.
Registered in the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen)
Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Zana Turan is a member of:
The Swedish Society of Medicine (Svenska Läkaresällskapet),
The Swedish Medical Association (Sveriges Läkarförbund),
The Swedish Plastic Surgery Association (Svensk Plastikkirurgisk Förening),
and Doctors Without Borders.
